Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gym Time

I finally got back into the gym today. I haven't squatted or benched since school let out until today. I went with 3 other guys from work and we had varying levels of fitness which was honestly pretty cool. It felt great getting in the gym for a real weighted workout. After the gym I also got into the boxing room with a few guys and we did a little bit of circuit training. However, the workout was cut short in both places due to the fact that we all needed to get to work.

Whenever I go to the weight room I typically follow a Starting Strength program. I've made some variations to it by now but it's pretty much the same deal. First, we started out on squats. Since there was nobody in the gym we split up into teams of two and had our own squat station. I was with a kid that squatted for the first time yesterday, so I was pretty excited. We did this:

115 lbs - 5x
135 lbs - 5x
155 lbs - 5x
175 lbs - 5x
185 lbs - 5x
195 lbs - 5x

We decided instead of doing a predetermined number of sets we would just go until he couldn't anymore. He thought he was maxing out at about 155, but by the end he realized that 195 wasn't even at his max. We stopped there because the other pair was ready to bench so we moved on.

Benching was similar but shorter. We did this:

95 lbs - 10x (He went first and I didn't do this weight)
115 lbs -10x
135 lbs - 8x
155 lbs - 6x
185 lbs - 1x (My max and I failed)

We were going to go dead lift but we realized we were short on time and it was either dead lift or go box and get some cardio in. We chose the cardio. Since we had 4 people, we had a 4 station boxing/cardio circuit. We would be at each station for a minute putting out as much effort as possible (except at the rest station) and it went like this:

Jump Rope
Shadow Box
Heavy Bag

It was intended to go through these stations 4 times each taking 16 minutes. However, we had to end after 2 rounds because it was time to go to work. In the end it was a solid workout, but I may go after work too just so that I can finish off with some core and more cardio.

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